Yes, the Xbox 360 guitar will work on PS3. The guitar is compatible with most major gaming consoles, including PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, and Nintendo DS.

Yes, Xbox Guitar Hero guitars work for PlayStation. The controllers are compatible with the respective systems because they use the same controller ports.

Yes, the Xbox Guitar Hero controller will work for the PS3. You just need to connect the controller to the PS3 using a USB cable.

To connect your Xbox 360 guitar to the console, you will need to first purchase an Xbox 360 guitar adapter. Once you have the adapter, you will need to plug it into the back of your Xbox 360 console. Next, you will need to plug your guitar into the adapter. Finally, you will need to turn on your Xbox 360 and start playing!

There is no definitive answer to this question since it depends on the specific guitar controller in question and the gaming console it is being used with. In general, however, most Wii guitar controllers are not compatible with PS3 consoles.

No, you don’t need a dongle to play Rock Band on a PS3. The game can be played with the controllers that come with the console.

Yes, you can use a PS2 guitar on a PS3. However, you will need to purchase an additional adapter in order to do so.

Yes, you can use Xbox 360 guitars on PS4. However, you will need to purchase a USB adapter in order to do so.

Yes, you can use a Guitar Hero guitar for Rock Band on the PS3. The guitars are compatible with the game, and you can use them to play songs and create your own custom tracks.