Different smartphone manufacturers are spending a lot on their research and development department to come up with something very new and will excite users to own it. We have recently seen many improvements with different smartphones. HTC is one smartphone manufacturer who always comes up with something cool and new to drive in customers. One such feature which may feel strange but works cool when you get used to it is the all-new Edge sense feature.  This feature is a really handy feature which comes with the new HTC U11. We will walk you through the steps to use the Edge Sense squeezing feature on HTC U11 in this guide. Please read through to find more about it.

The HTC U11 comes with pressure sensors on both sides to support the Edge Sense feature. You can use your hands to squeeze on to both sides to launch different apps and do certain operations on the device. This is a very handy feature and can be enabled while setting up the device and also from the settings menu. So if you have missed out setting up the features we will let you know the steps to enable it in this guide. HTC U11 also provides you with options to customize this feature. You can change the amount of pressure you need to give to the senors, the apps or functions to trigger and a lot more. Please read through to find out more.

Steps to enable and use the Edge Sense squeezing feature on HTC U11

The Edge Sense on HTC U11 as I have already mentioned comes with a lot of customizable features. You can change the apps and functions to trigger, the sensitivity, and also can give different functions to different sides. Read through to find out the steps to enable this feature and also to do customizations to it.

Steps to enable Edge Sense squeezing feature on HTC U11

  • Open settings
  • Tap on edge sense
  • If you are setting it up for the first time you will have to go through a series of steps to set it up or else you can simply tap on the toggle button

Steps to change the pressure force

You can choose the amount of pressure you need to use to activate the feature. It is recommended that you select the mid range. The steps to change this are:

  • Open settings
  • Tap on edge sense
  • Tap on test your squeeze force
  • Squeeze on the sides to check the force level and select the preferred one by tapping on the block
  • Follow the instructions on the screen

Steps to change the action

By default when you squeeze on to the sensors it will open the camera on your HTC U11 and the second squeeze will take pictures. But you can change this to anything from your settings. The steps to do this are:

  • Open settings
  • Tap on edge sense
  • Tap on customize squeeze action
  • From the list choose your preferred action
  • Save the settings

I hope this guide was useful in understanding how to use the Edge Sense squeezing feature on HTC U11. If any queries or feedback, please leave a comment below.