Discord is a global instant messaging platform where people with similar interests hang out. With users coming from various parts of the world and speaking different languages, language barriers can hinder seamless interaction between server members.

Luckily, the Rita Bot Project developed a translation bot that users can invite to their servers to automatically translate messages to a particular language.

Rita Bot, an acronym for Real-Time Interchangeable Translation Assistant, is a translation bot that translates Discord messages into over 100 languages. The bot was initially free for Discord users but is now subscription-based.

Using the bot can be challenging initially, from subscribing to a plan and activating your account to running commands. So, how do you use the Rita bot on Discord?

In this article, we will outline how to use the Rita bot on Discord.

Overview of Rita Bot on Discord

Discord brings together users from various parts of the world, each speaking their language. As you interact with users on public servers, you may encounter some that don’t speak your language.

For instance, if you are a native English speaker with zero understanding of Hindi, you may encounter challenges when Hindi-speaking users text in Hindi.

Luckily, Discord has translation bots that automatically translate any message from supported languages to your preferred language. In the above scenario, the bot will translate the text from the Hindi user from Hindi to English.

Rita bot is one of the most popular and effective Discord translation bots. The bot uses discord.js and the Cloud Google Translate API and supports over 100 languages. It is a paid bot offering three plans. These plans are:

  • Casual plan at $6.99 per month
  • Tinkerer plan at $ 10.99 per month
  • Pro plan at $15.99 per month

To use the Rita bot, you need an active subscription. At the same time, you must be a Rita Bot Management Server member to subscribe to a plan.

All these steps can be challenging for a beginner, but Rita Bot developers offer help through their Discord server.

Let’s see how you use the Rita bot on Discord

Using Rita Bot on Discord

Rita bot is a premium service, so the first step includes subscribing to a plan. We will divide this section into how to subscribe to the Rita bot and how to use the Rita bot.

Step #1: Subscribe to Rita Bot

Follow the below steps to subscribe and activate a Rita bot plan:

  • Go to the Rita Bot homepage on your favorite browser.
  • Scroll down the site and click “Invite Rita.”
  • Click “Continue to Discord.”
  • Your Discord app will open up. Select “Join Rita Management Server.”
  • Navigate to https://www.patreon.com/RitaBotProject.
  • Select a plan and click “Join.”
  • Create a Patreon account.
  • Enter your card details and complete the payment.

You have successfully subscribed to and activated a Rita bot plan.

Step #2: Use Rita Bot on Discord

Once you have activated your Rita bot plan, the next step is to set it up on Discord. Below are the steps to set up Rita bot on Discord:

  • Open Discord.
  • Navigate to Rita Management Server.
  • On the Rita Management server, click on “Bita – The RITA Beta Bot” under users.
  • Click “Add to Server.”
  • Click on “Yep!.”
  • Select the server you want to add the bot to.
  • Click “Continue.”
  • Select “Authorize.”
  • Check the “I am Human” box.

To set up the translation in the server, type !tr auto to [supported language] code for [channel].

For instance, if you want all messages translated into Spanish, type the following: !tr auto to es for #general.

#general is the channel in your server where you want all messages to be translated, while es is the code for Spanish.

Winding Up

To use the Rita bot on Discord, you need to subscribe to a plan and activate it. At the same time, you first need to join Rita Management Server on Discord before you purchase a plan.

Once you purchase a plan, invite the Rita bot to your preferred server, then use the !tr command to enable the bot to translate.